Chapter One
Welcome to Middle-Earth Online! You have 3 messages.
(IsildursHeir69 has entered: One Ring chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Look, how many times do i have to tell you? I AM NOT GOING TO CYBER WITH A DAMN DWARF!
IsildursHeir69: hey hey
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Hey Aragorn! sup?
IsildursHeir69: nuthin Legolas, just helping Arwen fix some gingerbread. It's in the oven cooking at the moment. :D
BeardedDwarf02: yum. must be better than my stupid cram
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: you still eating that crap? Try that site I e-mailed you yesterday with the twenty dollar lembas delivery.
BeardedDwarf02: i dunno. I don't feel comfortable giving out my credit card number online.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: .....
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: you have a credit card? ....where'd you get it?
BeardedDwarf02: umm....i don't wanna say
IsildursHeir69: wimp
IsildursHeir69: he don't have no credit card
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yea, really
(SamDaMan108 has entered: One Ring chat)
(CurlyBearer34 has entered: One Ring chat)
CurlyBearer34: is Pippin coming?
SamDaMan108: He'll be here in a sec. h/o
CurlyBearer34: k
(TookishMischief11 has entered: One Ring chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Midget convention?
SamDaMan108: shut up
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: :D
TookishMischief11: hows it goin' Strider?
IsildursHeir69: Making gingerbread. I'm excited cuz Arwen and I just bought new curtains for the throne room!
SamDaMan108: hey, that's great.
CurlyBearer34: yah, the old ones were kinda dull
CurlyBearer34: so what color are the new ones?
IsildursHeir69: pink! :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: .....
TookishMischief11: ummm
SamDaMan108: Strider?
IsildursHeir69: whut?
SamDaMan108: uh, n/m
IsildursHeir69: k
BeardedDwarf02: has anybody seen my axe?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: check your trousers
BeardedDwarf02: shove it elf
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: :D
CurlyBearer34: last time i saw it wuz at Amon Hen, right before i left for Mordor.
BeardedDwarf02: duh! you haven't even seen me since you left for Mordor.
BeardedDwarf02: Can anybody give me a straight answer???
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: no, cuz you're not straight. you're gay
BeardedDwarf02: will you shut up with the stupid jokes
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: well it's true.
BeardedDwarf02: no it's not
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: you tried to cyber with me!
BeardedDwarf02: ....
BeardedDwarf02: you don't have a witness
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: *rolls eyes*
TookishMischief11: So Sam, I hear you're gettin' married!
SamDaMan108: yah! Her name is Rosie
SamDaMan108: Rosie Cotton
CurlyBearer34: u mean Rosie Gamgee
CurlyBearer34: ;)
CurlyBearer34: Well congratulations my young counterpart. You need a ring?
SamDaMan108: yah! u got one?
CurlyBearer34: yea, black riders not included. The instructions are easy:
CurlyBearer34: Insert finger; take over world.
SamDaMan108: ...on second thought, maybe i better buy her one myself.
CurlyBearer34: whateva
(GandyStaff101 has entered: One Ring chat)
GandyStaff101: hello all.
SamDaMan108: hi Gandalf!
IsildursHeir69: yo, my wizard friend!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: hey Gandy.
GandyStaff101: How is everyone?
CurlyBearer34: good
TookishMischief11: peachy!
GandyStaff101: "peachy"?
GandyStaff101: Fool of a Took...
BeardedDwarf02: hey Gandalf, you are all in white now
GandyStaff101: Thankyou, Captain Obvious
BeardedDwarf02: what i was hinting at was "why are you in white?"
GandyStaff101: Whut, just because you don't change your clothes once every ten years means I can't either?
IsildursHeir69: point taken
IsildursHeir69: What's going on in the Shire lately?
CurlyBearer34: Nothing much. Saruman's dead, though. That was cool.
GandyStaff101: Really?
GandyStaff101: good, i can scratch that off my "to do" list. Now I'm free to shop for that new Balrog-Away spray.
SamDaMan108: yah, i was about to go get my gardening hose and spray Saruman with that, but i didn't need to. Grima killed him for us.
IsildursHeir69: I wonder I'm going to do tomorrow...
TookishMischief11: oOOOo, you haven't had a party in a while!
CurlyBearer34: yea, ages!
SamDaMan108: Nope! Not since your wedding party last week!
TookishMischief11: Shh!
CurlyBearer34: Shhh!
SamDaMan108: ...sorry
IsildursHeir69: You know whut? You're right. I should have a party. With big fireworks, courtesy of Gandalf.
CurlyBearer34: Yeah!
TookishMischief11: yea!!
IsildursHeir69: and balloons...
SamDaMan108: yeah!!
IsildursHeir69: and a big big feast
CurlyBearer34: yea!!
IsildursHeir69: hmmm, am i forgetting something?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yes. No hobbits allowed.
IsildursHeir69: Ah, thankyou. No hobbits allowed.
TookishMischief11: awww
CurlyBearer34: oh, no fair
SamDaMan108: dammit!
CurlyBearer34: Well it was great talkin' to you all again, but I must be off. bye!
SamDaMan108: me too!
IsildursHeir69: past your kerfew?
SamDaMan108: yah, how'd you know?
IsildursHeir69: Don't worry. I won't tell ;)
SamDaMan108: k
SamDaMan108: bye everyone!
CurlyBearer34: bye! see you guys next trilogy
GandyStaff101: goodbye for now, Frodo and Sam.
(CurlyBearer34 has left: One Ring chat)
(SamDaMan108 has left: One Ring chat)
GandyStaff101: i gotta go too. my pie is in the oven.
GandyStaff101: you know how it is
IsildursHeir69: DAMN!!! THE GINGERBREAD!!!!
(IsildursHeir69 has left: One Ring chat)
GandyStaff101: what's with him?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Gingerbread crisis
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: and so it begins...
BeardedDwarf02: I'll start something for you if you want, Legolas
BeardedDwarf02: ;)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: good God! Gandalf, get me out of here!
GandyStaff101: nope, sorry
GandyStaff101: :D
(GandyStaff101 has left: One Ring chat)
TookishMischief11: wish i could help you, Legolas. but....i have to go....feed the cat. yah! that's it! i have to go feed my cat.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: get back here, Fool of a Took!
TookishMischief11: Farewell you two.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: No! Pippin, don't go! You can't leave me here with this dwarf! He's gay and insane!
TookishMischief11: ta-ta
(TookishMischief11 has left: One Ring chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: umm....hi
BeardedDwarf02: hello hansome
BeardedDwarf02: ;)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: for a game of riddles?
Chapter Two
Welcome to Middle-Earth Online! You have 5 messages.
(Brandy2Buck has entered: Rivendell chat)
Brandy2Buck: hey guys
IsildursHeir69: hi Merry
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: 'ey
CurlyBearer34: You weren't here lastnight Merry!
Brandy2Buck: I know.
Brandy2Buck: my neighbor fell in the Brandywine, and I had to fish him out, I had to let him stay at my house so he could warm up and have company, yadah yadah blah blah blah.
CurlyBearer34: Golly, he's really self-centered.
Brandy2Buck: yah, really
(TookishMischief11 has entered: Rivendell chat)
TookishMischief11: hi!
TookishMischief11: Strider, I hope your gingerbread didn't burn lastnight. what happened?
IsildursHeir69: yes, it burned. I've been really down about it.
TookishMischief11: *pats Strider on the back* There, there. You can make more, can't you?
IsildursHeir69: But it's not as fun when Arwen isn't around to help me bake it.
CurlyBearer34: Well where's Arwen?
IsildursHeir69: She's at the hair salon
(BeardedDwarf02 has entered: Rivendell chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: oh god
BeardedDwarf02: hello everyone
BeardedDwarf02: hello Legolas
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: stay the hell away from me perv
TookishMischief11: oh yeah, what happened lastnight, L?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i don't wanna talk about it
IsildursHeir69: so what should we talk about?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: about how gay this stupid dwarf is
BeardedDwarf02: shut up, Elfie
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: god, stop calling me Elfie!!!
Brandy2Buck: umm from the sound of things, i'm glad i wasn't here lastnight.
TookishMischief11: where's Sam?
CurlyBearer34: He's watering my garden. The tulips are doing terrible in this hot weather.
IsildursHeir69: yeah, my rose bushes are in need of watering. Rain is not very abundant in Gondor either.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: ....
TookishMischief11: ?
IsildursHeir69: whut?
CurlyBearer34: you have...rose bushes?
IsildursHeir69: yes, they're lovely. I like to smell them in the morning. And they're really really pretty to look at.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: ....
IsildursHeir69: oh, uh *cough* ummm,
IsildursHeir69: in a manly kind of way, ofcourse.
CurlyBearer34: oh, ok
TookishMischief11: alright
Brandy2Buck: oh, cool. that's ok then
CurlyBearer34: Strider, what's going on in Gondor lately?
IsildursHeir69: well I sent men out this morning to clean out those ships that I came with from the Paths of the Dead. Those Dead left such a mess.
IsildursHeir69: Seriously, I doubt those ships could have possibly been any dirtier
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yeah, i know. Those janitors have their work cut out for them.
CurlyBearer34: guess what guys?
CurlyBearer34: Sam's getting married next week!!
(GandyStaff101 has entered: One Ring chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: wow, congrats for him! I'm speechless!
BeardedDwarf02: I made him speechless
BeardedDwarf02: :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: drop dead
GandyStaff101: I've done that before, in moria
GandyStaff101: Good news everyone. I finally got my hat to the cleaners
Brandy2Buck: yay!
IsildursHeir69: what's under your hat, anyway?
TookishMischief11: a bunny rabbit
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: his pipeweed stash
GandyStaff101: nope. you're both wrong
CurlyBearer34: then what's under there?
GandyStaff101: hobbit-repellent
TookishMischief11: oh, ok
Brandy2Buck: cool
TookishMischief11: wait a second.......hey!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i'll be right back. There's a UPS truck pulling up to my tree.
GandyStaff101: k
Brandy2Buck: hmm, i wonder what he got
TookishMischief11: maybe he got that new quiver he ordered from L.L.Bean
CurlyBearer34: yah, with his initials and the purple embroidery
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: back
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it's a package of some kind
IsildursHeir69: who's it from?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: It says "from your secret admirer"
TookishMischief11: oooOOOoo
BeardedDwarf02: :D
Brandy2Buck: open it!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i'm opening it. calm yourself hobbit.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: wow!
GandyStaff101: whut? what is it??
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it's a year-supply of chocolate from the Glittering Caves.
BeardedDwarf02: :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: wait, there's a message with it
BeardedDwarf02: read it out loud. It has a better effect that way.
IsildursHeir69: how would you know?
BeardedDwarf02: reason
CurlyBearer34: go ahead, Legolas. read the message!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it says "Caves are gray, and the sky is sometimes blue. Galadriel is pretty, but you are too!"
BeardedDwarf02: :D
GandyStaff101: aww, that's so precious
CurlyBearer34: where have i heard "precious" before?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: wait, there's a P.S. at the bottom. It's written very small, hold on. lemme read it
TookishMischief11: k
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it says "P.S. now will u cyber?"
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: DAMMIT GIMLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TookishMischief11: uh-oh, Gimli. You just went where many people have gone before, but none have come back alive.
CurlyBearer34: This could get dangerous. I'm not waiting around for the aftershocks.
(CurlyBearer34 has left: Rivendell chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: *throws package out of the tree*
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: *opens the chocolate and starts eating*
BeardedDwarf02: i hope you like the chocolate :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: dammit, take a hike!!
TookishMischief11: I think Frodo has the right idea
(TookishMischief11 has left: Rivendell chat)
GandyStaff101: of all the knowledge in the world, i never figured the wisest of all would come from that Fool of a Took.
(GandyStaff101 has left: Rivendell chat)
Brandy2Buck: well, Aragorn. just you and me now.
IsildursHeir69: i think not. i have a kingdom to run. And if i'm killed in the crossfire between these two, who will take my place?
Brandy2Buck: good point. but what am i going to do for the rest of the night if i'm offline? i'll be bored!
IsildursHeir69: do you play tidlywinks?
Brandy2Buck: yah!
IsildursHeir69: cool! Come over to my house!
Brandy2Buck: k
(Brandy2Buck has left: Rivendell chat)
(IsildursHeir69 has left: Rivendell chat)
BeardedDwarf02: finally. we're alone
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: not in my lifetime!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i'm going over to play tidlywinks with Aragorn and Merry!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: u got a problem with that dwarf?
BeardedDwarf02: nope
BeardedDwarf02: :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: good.
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has left: Rivendell chat)
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has entered: Rivendell chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: And if you try to show up, think again! I'm bringing my bow and a full stock of arrows!
BeardedDwarf02: D'oh!
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has left: Rivendell chat)
Chapter Three
Welcome to Middle-Earth Online! You have 2 messages.
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
IsildursHeir69: so I was like "yeah right. how am i going to know if you really are Sauron" and he's like "Aragorn, I am your father".
SamDaMan108: HAHAHAHA! lmao!!
GandyStaff101: umm...Aragorn? I have something to tell you
GandyStaff101: There's something you should know
IsildursHeir69: oh gosh! SAURON'S MY FATHER?!!!????!!!!??????!!???
GandyStaff101: No, your fly's down.
IsildursHeir69: oh, ok.
IsildursHeir69: are you aware of the status of my clothing?
GandyStaff101: a wizard is all-knowing.
IsildursHeir69: well whatever. thanks.
IsildursHeir69: i thought Elrond was pretty knowledgable too.
GandyStaff101: well, he has a lot of wisdom, but he's not all-knowledgable.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: lots of wisdom? good. i need some wise words of advice right now
GandyStaff101: involving what?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: involving what to do about this crazed gay dwarf. Give Elrond a call, Gandalf, and ask him to get online.
GandyStaff101: ok, lemme get my cell. it's got unlimited minutes until 11.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: all-knowledgable Gandalf, it is 11:30
GandyStaff101: dammit!
GandyStaff101: er...i mean...yes i knew that. i was just stating that it had unlimited minutes.
IsildursHeir69: whatever u say....
GandyStaff101: silence yourself, ranger!
IsildursHeir69: you know, i could have you banished for that statement.
GandyStaff101: ok, Elrond says he is getting online in a sec.
(LawnMowerElf has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
LawnMowerElf: He who plants the first carrot, shall hence forth eat lettuce.
(LawnMowerElf has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: that's it? That's my advice?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: what kind of shit wisdom was that??
(BeardedDwarf02 has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: oh god
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: somebody get me some Mace.
BeardedDwarf02: Hello room.
BeardedDwarf02: especially Legolas
(Brandy2Buck has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(TookishMischief11 has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(CurlyBearer34 has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: another Midget convention?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: the "Hobbit de Bleau" is down the hall
Brandy2Buck: shut up
BeardedDwarf02: Don't tell my Elf Master to shut up
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: god, now i'm your Elf Master?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i'm out of here
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
BeardedDwarf02: Now look
BeardedDwarf02: you scared him away, Merry!
(BeardedDwarf02 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: -whispers- pssst! is he gone?
CurlyBearer34: yup
TookishMischief11: i think he bought it
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: good
IsildursHeir69: *munch munch*
CurlyBearer34: what are you eating, Strider?
IsildursHeir69: gingerbread!!
TookishMischief11: u made more?
IsildursHeir69: well, no
IsildursHeir69: it's from the Quickie-Mart
GandyStaff101: damn! my staff just broke!
SamDaMan108: awww, what are you going to use to fight off Balrogs now?
GandyStaff101: i dunno...
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i can give you archery lessons. Bow & arrows are much better than a staff.
GandyStaff101: yeah, but my staff shoots fire!!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: but arrows are better
GandyStaff101: no they're not. Frodo, what do you think? Which do a better job at frightening the enemy: fire from my staff, or stupid little arrows.
CurlyBearer34: well an arrow coming toward me would really freak me out.
GandyStaff101: FRODO!!!!!!!
CurlyBearer34: from your staff.
GandyStaff101: there! you see Legolas?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: whateva
SamDaMan108: I'm bored
Brandy2Buck: oh, go water my garden
(BoromirBoatMan27 has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
IsildursHeir69: what the?????
BoromirBoatMan27: Hello again. Miss me?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
IsildursHeir69:'re dead
BoromirBoatMan27: No, you put me in the stupid boat, but I wasn't dead!
BoromirBoatMan27: I was just resting my eyes!!!
(BeardedDwarf02 has entered: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
BoromirBoatMan27: i know, shocking isn't it. you feel the guilt coming on...
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: actually, i said that because Gimli is back.
BeardedDwarf02: you can't escape me that easily, Elfie
BeardedDwarf02: :D
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: DAMN!!
BoromirBoatMan27: oh...well what do you think of me still being alive? are you happy that I have returned from almost certain, but yet heroic death?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: you're back.....that's cool....bring me a postcard??
BoromirBoatMan27: aaargh
BoromirBoatMan27: did you people miss me at all????
IsildursHeir69: yes
SamDaMan108: yes
Brandy2Buck: yea...
BeardedDwarf02: yes
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yup
GandyStaff101: yes
IsildursHeir69: no...
CurlyBearer34: umm, no
BeardedDwarf02: no
GandyStaff101: no
IsildursHeir69: a bit
GandyStaff101: a bit....
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: a bit
SamDaMan108: a bit
TookishMischief11: a bit...
BoromirBoatMan27: ughh! I'm just going to go and say hi to my dad
GandyStaff101: your dad's dead
BoromirBoatMan27: oh...
BoromirBoatMan27: well then i'm going to go take the throne
TookishMischief11: Aragorn already did that
BoromirBoatMan27: oh...
BoromirBoatMan27: well then i'll go kick my brother in the ass
IsildursHeir69: that's already been done too
BoromirBoatMan27: who did that one?
CurlyBearer34: Eowyn
BoromirBoatMan27: ok....well then i'll just go have some pancakes at Barliman's
(BoromirBoatMan27 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
Brandy2Buck: someone going to tell him Barliman doesn't sell pancakes anymore?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: he'll figure it out
BeardedDwarf02: Legolas, you want some pancakes? If you come over, I'll make them for you.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: your cooking probably tastes like Sam's.
TookishMischief11: *shudders*
IsildursHeir69: Legolas, don't put him down like that. He has to cook better than Sam!
SamDaMan108: ....hey!!!
SamDaMan108: >:o
BeardedDwarf02: so will you come over?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: no Gimli, you gay person!!!
BeardedDwarf02: well, will you cyber with me?
BeardedDwarf02: playing hard to get...rrrrrr
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: That's it!!!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Where's my Mace!!!
Brandy2Buck: This is dangerous ground.
Brandy2Buck: I'm outta here
(Brandy2Buck has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: You are messing with the wrong Elf today, Gimli!!!
TookishMischief11: Frodo and I are going to head down to the pub
CurlyBearer34: yeah. we're not going to be here when Legolas makes dwarf casserole. it's for our own safety.
IsildursHeir69: a hobbit at a what else is new
SamDaMan108: oh, be nice!
SamDaMan108: hey i'll meet you guys down there. It's a good idea to get out of here while we still can.
BeardedDwarf02: you can't fight this, dearie.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: watch me!!!!!!!!
TookishMischief11: ok Sam
(TookishMischief11 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(CurlyBearer34 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(SamDaMan108 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: look, can't we just be friends
BeardedDwarf02: yes, of course
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: *sigh of relief*
BeardedDwarf02: when hell freezes over
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: DAMN!!!
IsildursHeir69: Gandalf?
GandyStaff101: yeah
IsildursHeir69: a beer?
GandyStaff101: definitely.
(IsildursHeir69 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
(GandyStaff101 has left: Survived the 3rd Age chat)
Chapter Four
Welcome to Middle-Earth Online! You have 7 messages.
(ElfMasterLuvsHisBow has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
IsildursHeir69: hey Leggo
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: hey Araggy
IsildursHeir69: sup?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: nuthin'
IsildursHeir69: so Gimli isn't chasing you or anything?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i don't know. He will usually call me in the morning, and then three more times in the afternoon, followed by twice more after dinner
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: But he only called twice in the afternoon, and once after dinner today
IsildursHeir69: i wonder what happened.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: So do i. But i'm not complaining. Ha! I'm rejoicing.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: is anyone else in this room?
IsildursHeir69: nope. we're the only ones.
IsildursHeir69: i told everyone we'd meet in the Anti-Orc room at midnight. I don't know where everyone is!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: well, maybe they came an hour ago and no one was here.
IsildursHeir69: why would they have come an hour ago?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i don't know. I suppose the Shire is in a different time zone.
IsildursHeir69: maybe.
IsildursHeir69: well perhaps it's for the best. We don't get a chance to just talk. That gay dwarf is always bothering you.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yeah really
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: how's Arwen?
IsildursHeir69: She's at the hair salon again! She goes every other day! I'm starting to wonder if she goes for other reasons. Maybe there's someone else! You never can trust those french hair stylists! I want to ask her about it, but it's too risky.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: You worry too much Aragorn. It's turning your hair gray.
(CurlyBearer34 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
(TookishMischief11 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
(GandyStaff101 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
IsildursHeir69: where were you guys???
TookishMischief11: we thought you said "Autumn Dork chat"
(Brandy2Buck has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
(SamDaMan108 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
IsildursHeir69: and where were you guys?
Brandy2Buck: we thought you said "Altered Fork chat"
IsildursHeir69: *rolls eyes*
GandyStaff101: where's Gimli?
SamDaMan108: i haven't talked to him since last night's chat.
CurlyBearer34: me neither
IsildursHeir69: hmmm
GandyStaff101: too bad he's not here.
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Shh!!! You'll jinx it!!!
GandyStaff101: sorry
IsildursHeir69: Yay! Arwen is home at last!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it's after midnight, and she's just now getting back from the hair salon?
IsildursHeir69: Well she stopped at the Quickie-Mart.
Brandy2Buck: what did she need at the Quickie-Mart?
IsildursHeir69: Some more pink nail polish, scented shampoo, the latest In-Style magazine, and some broccoli
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: she's chopping broccoli
IsildursHeir69: yup. chopping broccoli!
SamDaMan108: hey, Rosie and I are having a kid!!!!
TookishMischief11: hey, wow!!
CurlyBearer34: yeah, congrats!!
IsildursHeir69: good tidings!!
SamDaMan108: thanks. i'm kind of nervous about fatherhood, though.
GandyStaff101: Beware of taking the child to the store with you
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: yeah. whenever you walk in the store, the kid's like "Buy me this useless piece of plastic!"
GandyStaff101: exactly
SamDaMan108: no stores, gotcha
SamDaMan108: thanks.
(RohanPlaya13 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
RohanPlaya13: hello all. It's Eowyn!!!!
IsildursHeir69: *goes pale*
Brandy2Buck: Hey Eowyn!
RohanPlaya13: hey Merry! How's that Nazgul bite healing up?
Brandy2Buck: Pretty good.
RohanPlaya13: So...Aragorn. Ya know, I'm not single anymore
RohanPlaya13: Faramir wants to marry me...but I don't know if I wanna.
IsildursHeir69: mmmk
RohanPlaya13: what? so you're not jealous or anything?
IsildursHeir69: no
RohanPlaya13: You don't want to go punch Faramir in the nuts?
IsildursHeir69: no
RohanPlaya13: ????
IsildursHeir69: Eowyn, I'm married for gosh sakes
RohanPlaya13: Men! They're all the same!
(RohanPlaya13 has left: Anti-Orc chat)
IsildursHeir69: well that was interesting
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: uh-oh
CurlyBearer34: what?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: there's a truck pulling up to my tree again
(LawnMowerElf has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
LawnMowerElf: beware of UPS trucks bearing chocolate and strange love notes; for there could be a gay dwarf somewhere in the world that has the hots for you
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: No kidding Sherlock!! You know, when I want your shit wisdom I'll ask for it!
LawnMowerElf: He who insults the great and powerful Elf-Lord lives the rest of his life lacking several body parts
(LawnMowerElf has left: Anti-Orc chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: ....was that a threat?
GandyStaff101: Don't take your chances
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: hey, good news! It's not a UPS truck! It's Fed-Ex
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Gimli is cheap and can't afford Fed-Ex, so it couldn't possibly be from him
Brandy2Buck: ah, you are spared
TookishMischief11: so what is it?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: ah-hah!
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: it's that new quiver i ordered from L.L.Bean with my initials "P. L. G. S. O. T."
CurlyBearer34: i was wondering when that would come
IsildursHeir69: sheesh, and i thought I had a lot of names
SamDaMan108: what do all those stand for?
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: Prince Legolas Greenleaf, Son of Thranduil
TookishMischief11: ya know you could have just put "L.G."
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i felt like being elaborate
Brandy2Buck: Frodo, when do you leave for Valinor?
CurlyBearer34: I dunno. Bilbo is supposed to e-mail me about that
SamDaMan108: i hope Bilbo's computer breaks!
CurlyBearer34: what?
SamDaMan108: well...begging your pardon Mr Frodo...but I don't want you to go nowhere for a while. You just got back and everything. Hold on there, Gamgee! Listen to yourself. You can't tell Mr Frodo what to do. Think, Sam. Think.
TookishMischief11: Sam, you're talking about yourself in the third person. Should I be worried?
GandyStaff101: Fool of a Took. You do it all the time
TookishMischief11: No i don't
GandyStaff101: Then who were you talking to every night while we were on the road with the Fellowship?
TookishMischief11: ....that was Bob
GandyStaff101: Puh! Bob, shmob!
TookishMischief11: well who did you talk to late at night? I heard you whispering all the time
GandyStaff101: staff
IsildursHeir69: His staff has a mind of its own, Pippin
CurlyBearer34: yeah, you should see it perform the Bum Bum song. That staff can really get its groove on. "the man is all alone; the Swedish is all alone..."
GandyStaff101: oh...heh weren't supposed to see that
CurlyBearer34: woops
(BeardedDwarf02 has entered: Anti-Orc chat)
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: WHY?!??!
IsildursHeir69: and where were you all evening????
BeardedDwarf02: i thought you said "Kosher Pork chat"
IsildursHeir69: *rolls eyes again*
IsildursHeir69: ok everybody. i gotta go. Remember the Halloween party at my house tomorrow, k?
IsildursHeir69: be there around 7 o'clock!!
CurlyBearer34: k!
Brandy2Buck: uh-huh
GandyStaff101: yah!
TookishMischief11: alright
BeardedDwarf02: yup, i'll be there
ElfMasterLuvsHisBow: i wouldn't miss it for all the Dwarf-Away spray in the world!!
SamDaMan108: k!
IsildursHeir69: ok, i'll see you guys there
(IsildursHeir69 has left: Anti-Orc chat)
To find out what happens next, read "Halloween at Aragorn's"!